A great idea for ending the culture war

Peter Heck

Feb 13, 2023

When it comes to the so-called culture war, I remain amused how often major media outlets portray the hunters and the hunted.

To hear them tell it, and boy do they tell it often, conservative culture warriors are stalking the street, constantly on the lookout for the next gay couple they can hate or scared pregnant woman… er, "pregnant person" they can force into the delivery room. Progressives, meanwhile, are the bystanders just motivated to fend off the assault and love the marginalized.


Do you know why conservatives opposed un-defining the institution of marriage? Because progressives attacked it in an effort to un-define it.

Do you know why conservatives are running for school boards to stop graphic sexual content in kids' curriculum? Because progressives attacked and sought to normalize it.

Do you know why conservatives are actively campaigning against sex-change operations for confused children? Because progressives attacked, initiating such procedures and then celebrating it as "affirming" and "loving."

Do you know why conservatives defend the life of the preborn child? Because progressives attacked the right to life for those tiny humans and imposed a national mandate to subject them to slaughter.

Do you know why conservatives adamantly endorse the 2nd Amendment? Because progressives attacked and have sought to undermine it at every turn, seeking to empower government to confiscate private ownership of weapons.

On nearly every issue we deem part of the culture war, it's the same principle:

Progressive: "Little girls who think they are boys should be allowed to decide. And if they want to, have a hysterectomy to affirm that choice. We're starting those procedures now."

Conservative: "I don't think that's a good idea and am going to let people know what you're doing."

Progressive: "Oh there you go, fanning the flames of the culture war again!"

In her State of the Union address response, Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders said it as succinctly and accurately as I've heard:

She's right.

Look at this headline from the Associated Press:

Who is engaged in culture war here? Progressives who want schools to punish kids for calling a boy, "he?" Or conservatives who say they shouldn't?

The backwards and illogical authorship of that headline illuminates just how invested the left is in their brazen assault on society's mores. If a kid simply observes that the 7th grade boy they've grown up with isn't really a girl just because he now says he is, that kid is accused of "misgendering." Regardless of the media's best efforts, those who are telling you up is down are the ones with an agenda, not vice versa.

Or how about this…

Who is the "culture warrior" in that clip? The conservative guy who is calmly and rationally observing that staying married, working hard in school, not having kids with partners you aren't married to, and not committing crimes are all effective ways of being successful? Or the progressive panel who reacts to such self-evident realities like this:

How about one more…

Who is the "culture warrior" in this situation? The progressive woman who places on her lapel a celebration and affirmation of an act universally understood to end the life of another unique, distinct human being? Or the conservatives who react to that with indignant disgust, understanding it's the moral equivalent of pinning a swastika or hammer and sickle to your lapel?

So in the end, this really isn't hard. If liberals and progressives are so disgusted with the culture war and just want it to end so we can concentrate on things that need to be done, the solution is simple. They should just stop waging it.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Not the Bee or any of its affiliates.

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