Just in time for the end of so-called "pride month," Arizona's Governor Katie Hobbs announced she was banning any state financial support of what she calls "conversion therapy." At the same time, Hobbs said that the state would be financially supporting sex-change operations for state employees who wanted them.
NBC all but celebrated the announcement, shouting the good news with a headline that read,
"Arizona governor's executive actions ban conversion therapy, allow trans health care"
Most all of us who pay even peripheral attention to pop culture understand corporate media like the folks at NBC are narrative-pushing mouthpieces for the LGBTetc political movement. The article itself appears under an entire news division at the network called "Out Politics." The material that presents itself there isn't about policy analysis, it's about propagandizing activism.
If you need proof of that claim, simply look at the title of the article and then think.
Here is what Hobbs' administration is now going to use state tax dollars to fund:
- A person is biologically, genetically, physiologically male
- That male grows discontent with his reality and seeks treatment to change it
- The treatment he accesses promises to change him from what he is to something different
In other words, the state of Arizona is funding superficial and therapeutic treatment to allegedly convert a man to a woman. But wait. I thought Hobbs and her cheerleaders just got done telling us they were banning conversion therapy? In actuality, Hobbs has given the green light to one kind of conversion therapy while banning another.
The abuse of language here is astounding. NBC explained that while men were going to be given state support in their desired conversion to women, here's what would be banned:
Under the executive actions, state agencies will be prohibited from using funds to promote or facilitate so-called conversion therapy, the scientifically discredited practice of using therapy to "convert" LGBTQ people to heterosexuality or traditional gender expectations.
Got that? It's "scientifically discredited" to counsel someone in a manner that helps them overcome unwanted same-sex attractions. The key word there is "unwanted." A person decides that they have a sexual urge in their flesh that they want to mortify, so they seek out spiritual help in doing so. Even if it works, even if they are happier and more fulfilled by denying the flesh and making their passions obedient to the will of Christ, even if they are freed from the burden of sin and the restless temptations that torment them, it's not Katie Hobbs-approved. In fact, it's "scientifically discredited."
But cutting the musculature off a forearm to build a pretend penis that doesn't function, all so we can collectively lie to a woman by telling her she has been converted to a man? That's totally legit science. That type of conversion therapy deserves the tax dollars of Arizonans.
The mutilation procedures that politicians like Katie Hobbs and corporate media shills at NBC euphemistically refer to as "gender affirming" are the gravest, harshest, most dangerous and dishonest form that conversion therapy has ever taken.
When that is eventually realized by our backwards culture, may we never forget who promoted it.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Not the Bee or any of its affiliates.