“Dad, I’m sorry.” A few thoughts on the most unimaginable story of survival you may ever see

May 7, 2024

Imagine being called to the scene of a car accident. Imagine knowing it was your child, or your loved one who was driving. Imagine seeing this guard rail impaling the vehicle, through the windshield, through the passenger's seat, through the backseat, and out the rear window. Imagine how terrifying, how gut-wrenching, how distraught and despondent you would be.

No one could survive this, right? Then imagine the feeling that dad has at the end of this video:

According to Kevin Mullins, his daughter Kenzie crawled out the busted back window with only cuts and scrapes and was standing in the road when he arrived.

Let this exact wreck happen 1,000 times and maybe - just maybe - one person could defy the odds and manage to escape the trauma. Some will chalk that up to chance, luck, coincidence, and a million other blind forces. They'll scoff at the notion that some Divine Being, worked mysteriously and invisibly to shield this one random, otherwise unspectacular and unknown human from injury.

Still others, perhaps well intentioned, will caution about the implications of crediting God for His merciful protection - "what does that say to all the other car accident victims that He didn't spare?" they'll ask. But all good fortune, every good blessing, every good gift comes from the Father, and occurs in complete and perfect fulfillment of His will. Is it a will that escapes our full understanding? Of course it is. If it didn't, He wouldn't be God and we wouldn't be, well, us.

I'm not the smartest man you'll ever meet, but I think I have this pretty well figured out. It is futile, unproductive, and worthless for mere mortals like us to spend a second of our time second-guessing, doubting, judging, or even attempting to comprehend the works of an Almighty whose ways are not like our own. Instead, we are given the great privilege of spending those very seconds praising Him for the myriad of ways He floods our fleeting moments with blessings so numerous, gifts so undeservingly abundant, we have the luxury of taking them for granted as we so often do.

That's why I wrote this article today: To remind us not to take them for granted. Not today. Not after seeing this.

Call your mom, hug your son, spend those extra couple moments chatting with your daughter about her day before you rush out the door to your next appointment. Realize every breath we take would be our last, but for the grace of our good and benevolent God.

Today, I had planned on writing about Joe Biden's election campaign. I had planned to write about politics. But then I saw this video and it reminded me what is so much more important. I'm guessing you could use that reminder too, which, in accordance with the Father's will, is why you felt prompted to click on it and read these words.

So don't wait for a scene like the one in this video to unfold in your own life before you heed them. Imagine how long Kenzie's dad hugged her and held onto her that day, all because he was given a stark reminder of how precious life is.

Now we've been reminded of the same, so let's go and do likewise.

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