Dear progressives, child brides and sex slavery aren't “polyamory.” Your colonialism is showing again.

For at least the last decade, one of the identifying characteristics of modern progressivism has been its anti-colonialism crusade. Though anti-colonial thought has been around for several centuries, its modern, American university-based iteration, conceived in the crucible of the Left's race-obsession, is a fairly new phenomenon.

What is striking to me is how frequently the very leftists who would happily identify themselves as anti-colonialist in principle, commit the very offense they pretend to oppose. Put succinctly, there are far more examples of a colonialist imposition of values on other cultures being perpetrated by the modern American Left than by their ideological rivals on the Right.

Take this recent post from left-wing journalist Matthew Yglesias:

"Poly lifestyle?" Is Yglesias serious?

I know we all have a tendency to see the world through the lens of our own culture. That phenomenon is a human characteristic, not a left or right, Western or non-Western trait. But isn't the point of being anti-colonial to make a concerted effort not to impose your own cultural assumptions on the lives and experiences of those in other cultures?

Does Yglesias really believe, or expect us to believe, that those living in Burkina Faso even comprehend what a "poly lifestyle" is?

Look at the map and use some common sense. Western and Central Africa are not trendy progressive utopias with a flair for sexual experimentation. This isn't a region of the world known for its forward thinking, liberal views on sexuality and gender.

They are backwards, patriarchal societies that still promote utterly barbaric practices like the forced marriages of minors. Sorry Matthew, these aren't modish babes who are into orgies and throuples, bringing party campus culture to the Sahara. They are child brides being used, abused, and compelled to take part in what is little more than glorified sex slavery.

But notice how, when Matthew can convince himself and hopefully others that what's being seen here is the successful dissemination of liberal, Western views of sexuality on world cultures, there's no handwringing over colonialism. In fact, it's framed as a net good.

Sorry, that's just not true.

Polygamy isn't a "polyamorous lifestyle." It's a cruel and abusive system that always seems to be associated with high rates of mental illness, infant mortality, and domestic violence for its female participants.

That's nothing to celebrate, nor is it anything to hijack and falsely convey as evidence that weird, leftist sex movements are surging in popularity around the world. They're not.

Rather than flexing their colonialist muscles, and trying to make Western "polyamory" a thing, it would sure be nice if Yglesias and other leftists would call this stuff what it is:

Primitive, misogynistic barbarism and deserves contempt and condemnation from civilized people everywhere.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Not the Bee or any of its affiliates.

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