Given their previous public antics, it was very hard not to at least note the terrific irony of mask-mandating Democrat lawmakers from Texas going maskless on an airplane, only to then have a COVID outbreak among themselves. More than a few on social media noticed:
But if I can be honest, I'm growing increasingly frustrated by the continued over-politicization of the disease and vaccine conversation. There's no question there is hypocrisy. Many of the same Trump-supporters who praised the former president's "Operation Warp Speed" for developing a life-saving vaccine in record time now rail against that same vaccine as an ineffective inoculation but effective control tactic of the deep state.
And on the other side, well, there's this:
On the left, mainstream news anchors continue spreading misinformation about the efficacy and usefulness of masks – particularly for the vaccinated. On the right, Newsmax anchors continue making bizarre claims like how vaccines are "against nature."
Like many people, I'm well past the point of being over it all. I'm about as fed up with mask-wearing in public being an indication of your political affiliation as I am with the idea that flying an American flag is somehow the same. I'm tired of the media exploiting the issue by fear-mongering and talking about all of it constantly.
That's why when a friend asked me recently how my messaging would be different if I sat in the White House, I told them that I would do my very best to unify the country around the one central truth of COVID: this is all China's fault.
Of course, in our increasingly woke society, it's important to stipulate and clarify what in any other era would be obvious: when I say that, I don't mean it is the fault of the Chinese people, Chinese immigrants, folks who speak a Chinese dialect, or individuals of Chinese descent. They have all suffered along with the rest of us. I mean it is completely the fault of the Chinese communist government. It is their secrecy, incompetence, malfeasance, and deception that unleashed a biological agent on humanity sometime around the end of 2019.
Their refusal to share documentation and information, their persistent arrogance and silence about the origins of the virus have made controlling it, treating it, and managing a response to it exceedingly more complicated and difficult than it needed to be. At this point they owe the world far more than just an explanation. And that is where I'd love to see American energies, both from the left and the right, be focused.
It's not like this is any mystery anymore. What was once regarded by American media as more of that "misinformation" they are always warning against but consistently perpetrating themselves, is now so obvious that even progressive socialist commentators like Jon Stewart are shouting it from the rooftops.
A recent CNN report noted that following a Biden-ordered probe into the origins of the pandemic, senior administration officials are now increasingly convinced COVID was inflicted on the world due to a lab leak in Wuhan.
Yes, I know that too will be a sore spot for Trump supporters given the degree to which the former president was vilified and maligned for suggesting as much a long time ago. But the real bad guys here are the communist liars in Beijing.
That's a unifying message we should all be able to rally behind.
- Tired of the double-masked social distancers walking around in plastic bubbles despite being vaccinated? Blame the Chinese communists.
- Tired of unmasked MAGA crowd refusing to mask up while picking out their sliced meat at the Walmart deli? Blame the Chinese communists.
- Tired of limited capacity at your Friday night Applebees hang-out? Blame the Chinese communists.
- Tired of worrying about super-spreader sporting events being held in your city? Blame the Chinese communists.
- Tired of the economic devastation continuing to ravage your business because of extensive lockdowns? Blame the Chinese communists.
- Tired of the rush to re-open businesses and revive conferences despite virus variants? Blame the Chinese communists.
This disease exists because of the Chinese communists. This became a global pandemic because of the Chinese communists. There are now reportedly 3.5 million people dead worldwide because of the Chinese communists. There is global economic devastation and an uncertain financial future because of the Chinese communists.
All our frustrations, anger, annoyances, fears, and sorrow related to this wretched virus ultimately, conclusively, and irrevocably stem from one source. It isn't Donald Trump. It isn't Joe Biden. It starts with Chinese and ends with communists. I'm ready to see the world respond accordingly.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Not the Bee or any of its affiliates.