In the lead-up to both the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections, all media eyes seemed focused on one demographic group, suggesting relentlessly that Donald Trump's poor performance among women voters was unlike anything that had ever been seen in modern American history.
According to their reliable sources, Trump's legacy of misogyny, exploitation, adultery, and cruelty towards the opposite sex, coupled with his obvious chauvinism towards strong and powerful women, would surely precipitate a staggering margin of loss in that demographic, and thus cost him any hope of election.
In 2016, Pew Research found that among women voters (who made up 55% of the electorate), 54% voted for Hillary Clinton and 39% voted for Trump, a 15-point disparity. In 2020, NBC reported that 57% of women voters chose Joe Biden and only 42% went with Trump, another 15-point difference.
In other words, the gender gap, at least in presidential elections, is real. Even without a candidate as polarizing as Trump, Democrats have consistently enjoyed the support of the fairer sex in each of the last 10 presidential cycles.
As one who is admittedly not overly impressed with the Republican Party, I still am left scratching my head every time I consider that statistic. Not because I think Republicans have nominated candidates that appeal directly to female voters, or because I struggle to see how Donald Trump could have been unappealing. No, my confusion over the persistent gender gap has little to do with comprehending why women don't want to vote for Republicans. It has everything to do with why they want to vote for Democrats.
This isn't your grandfather's Democrat Party, after all. The progressive left has seized the helm of the Democratic ship and have steered its course directly into a whirlwind of causes that represent no less than an existential threat to the dignity and uniqueness of womanhood.
- This is a movement that has embraced a welfare state approach to childrearing that has encouraged the absence of fathers at an alarming rate.
- This is a movement that champions the right to abortion – a reality that is sold as good for women, while actually providing a cheap and easy method for men to abuse and exploit women with no accountability. It is one of the most effective means for sex traffickers to keep their highest-value captives marketable.
- This is a movement that celebrates legal minds and Supreme Court justices who fight to eliminate Mother's Day (and Father's Day) from existence, diminishing the public significance of motherhood.
- This is a movement that legislates to allow biological men to participate in women's sports in the name of fairness. In so doing, young female athletes are missing scholarship opportunities and championship experiences as the modern Democrat left has all but extinguished any logic behind the existence of women's athletics.
- This is a movement that in deference to the transgender movement, has replaced the term "mother" with "birthing person," in federal documents, snuffing out the essence of femininity so beautifully entwined with bringing children into the world.
- This is a movement that after trampling all cultural norms of chivalry and denouncing any pretense of gender roles, is now pressuring lawmakers to force young high school girls to sign up for the military draft, subjecting them to the possibility of wartime service. The Senate Armed Services Committee recently passed such a motion, in an act they say is a "necessary and fair step."
So maybe someone can explain it to me, but I admit being at a loss. Why would women vote for any officials nominated by a political party that seems hellbent on undermining their mystique, suffocating their dignity, and erasing their very identity? Anyone?
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Not the Bee or any of its affiliates.