Sometime in late 2017, CNN released a snarky television ad that was a thinly veiled attack on what the progressive activists who make up the near totality of the network's staff believed was President Trump's penchant for misinformation. The ad featured a still image of an apple for its full 30-second run time with a narrator stating:
This is an apple. Some people might try to tell you that it's a banana. They might scream, ‘banana, banana, banana,' over and over and over again. They might put banana in all caps. You might even start to believe that this is a banana. But it's not. This, is an apple.
CNN concluded the ad with their logo and the simple phrase, "Facts First."
That was just five years ago. Today, CNN has partnered with the rest of progressive media to dutifully and unapologetically blur the line, not between popular fruits, but between something even more fundamental – the two sexes.
While bananas and apples are certainly distinct, God didn't find it necessary to distinguish the binary difference between them in His word the way Jesus affirmed from His own lips,
From the beginning of creation, God made them male and female.
So it should come as no surprise that Satan is far less interested in creating mass confusion over types of produce than he is the fundamental differences in our sexual identities. And on that front, he's doing a masterful job these days.
Just how is it radically reshaping our cultural landscape?
A decade ago, you'd have been hard pressed to find anyone as thoroughly invested in the advancement of the progressive sexual revolution as author/activist J.K. Rowling. A radical feminist, Rowling was a staunch supporter of gay and lesbian rights from the start, was an early champion of gay marriage, and an eager proponent of the LGB alliance. On a standard continuum measuring where a person stands on social policy, her position was unequivocally left-wing.
Rowling still stands for the same policies, still advocates vociferously for lesbians, gays, and bisexuals, still uses her platform to promote feminist ideology. But today, she fends off accusations that she is "right-wing."
The reason for this social whiplash, as Rowling alluded to in her tweet, is her opposition to transgender ideology, including sex-change procedures and hormonal manipulations being committed on minors through Orwellian-named "gender affirmation surgeries." As a self-professed voice for lesbians and gays, Rowling contends that the core belief of trans activists – that the gender binary (male/female) is a bigoted social construct of the patriarchy – will effectively erase the identity of both groups. There can be no such thing as a lesbian if there is no such thing as a woman.
I understand her frustration. I appreciate her partnership in advocating for the protection of children. But there's an inconvenient truth that Rowling won't like to hear, but that is nevertheless self-evident. Commentator Allie Beth Stuckey articulated it this way:
The moral justification for the gay rights movement, as it sought to undo both centuries of cross-cultural tradition and the prevailing Christian familial ethic of Western Civilization, was rooted in the subjectivity of self-indulgence, individual pleasure-seeking, and personal fulfillment. It sought to carve out a new identity predicated entirely upon the narrowest of traits: lust, romantic desire, and sexual gratification.
Any belief that a societal permissiveness which accepted that kind of justification would not subsequently lead to other identity appeals made upon the same grounds was painfully short-sighted. And any refusal to now acknowledge that the slippery slope was real is an intentional charade aimed at obfuscating and complicating an indictment of their own complicity in our current predicament.
In other words, I agree with J.K. Rowling that it is absurd to consider her political leanings and social sensibilities right-wing. But in the end, she has, among others, herself to thank for it.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Not the Bee or any of its affiliates.