Ever since word broke that billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk was purchasing Twitter, everyone and their brother has been suggesting the changes they want to see to the social platform:
- End shadow-banning
- Create an edit button
- Suspend quote tweets
- Populate timelines only with those who a person follows
- Change "trending" bar to worldwide
Who knows how many, if any of those will actually happen. For now, Musk seems focused on one thing: increasing speech.
Philosophically, I know that's a good thing. Personally, I wish he would forbid Christian trolling. If the world wants to troll one another, so be it. But when Christians do it to each other, it's so unbecoming and so counterproductive to our eternal mission.
I know Christians are as fallible as the next guy, but there should be some noticeable attributes of the Holy Spirit at work in us, no? Instead, here's a perfect depiction of what has become the norm (I'm blurring out the name in an effort to not be seen as trolling myself).
Look for a moment at the beginning of that tweet. The author requests prayer for a persecuted Christian friend. This highlights one of the few redeeming qualities I've found on Twitter β I can offer up prayers for fellow believers that I otherwise would have never been introduced to.
When I first read the tweet, I was legitimately prepared to pray for this man's friend. But then I read on, and was left wondering if the story is even real. Part of me actually hopes it was all concocted as a set-up to take a gratuitous jab at conservative Christians. Because if the author really does have such a friend, he is letting everyone know he finds value in his friend's suffering only so he can "own the cons."
Who acts like this, seriously?
Attempting to delegitimize the convictions and beliefs of Christians you don't agree with by pointing out there are people who have it worse elsewhere in the world β tell me, what kind of theology is that?
After all, it might be true if I told women complaining about being harassed and verbally abused by arrogant ministers that their suffering isn't anything in comparison to my missionary friend being speared to death for his faith. But is it relevant, helpful, or even remotely edifying to the Church? Does it build one another up in the faith? Does it help the body of Christ shine like a star in the night sky?
No. It embitters, divides, and disillusions.
Social media gives Christians unprecedented access to corners of the world thoroughly darkened by sin. How pleased is Christ to see us using that opportunity to drag one another over petty differences and vain rivalries?
If we can't do better, maybe Elon Musk might do the Kingdom of God a favor and ban Christians from the platform.
P.S. Now check out our latest video π
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