It's duplicitous.
That's the best word – perhaps the only word – that can be used for what the Biden administration is doing right now regarding the physical and financial security of this country. I want to be clear that I'm using the phrase "Biden administration" rather than specify this is Joe Biden personally, despite the fact that he is the one who said this:
No one who has been paying attention to this presidency can still believe that Joe Biden is even remotely capable of conducting the duties of his office. He is comically over-managed, being scripted where to walk, when to turn, and what to say. The cue cards and cheat sheets he has been caught with have become legendary. The number of times Biden will stray from script only to be cut off by a staffer is uncomfortably excessive.
Not that the old Senate and Vice President versions of Joe Biden were sticklers for consistency or had any problem with hypocrisy, but there was a time the current president had some grasp on the seriousness of the issue at our southern border:
Yet today, the Biden administration is not only unconcerned about the drug and human trafficking crisis stemming from a flood of illegal immigrants running through Mexico, they are gleefully permitting this:
It defies reason and common sense to observe such things and conclude that they represent less of a threat to the stability of the United States' social order and economy than some phantom danger of white supremacy.
Believe if you want that large numbers of white supremacists lurk in the shadows among us. Even if that were true, it's incontrovertible that the culture is so overwhelmingly opposed to their ideology that they must remain hidden in those shadows rather than running through open borders, brandishing weapons, smuggling drugs, and trafficking young girls, all while overwhelming city resources.
So what is the motivation of our national marionette masters, that secret cabal pulling the strings of a puppet president, in saying these kinds of ludicrous things? Obviously there are many who disagree with me, but I don't think they are truly desirous of bringing harm to the country. Don't misunderstand, I'm not ascribing to them any altruistic or benevolent motivations. No, I don't think they're trying to help the country. I just don't think they want to destroy it either, because I think they want to rule it.
This administrative posse is primarily interested in holding and exercising authority – something you can't do that in a country that no longer exists – and so all of their moves are calculated as a means to securing and maintaining power.
That's how fair-minded Americans should interpret these scenes coming out of Texas. What we're witnessing is a willingness on the part of our national leaders to sacrifice lives, livelihoods, peace, and security of countless people, all for the pursuit of raw political power.
Come to think of it, you know what else is a bigger threat than white supremacy? Leadership like this.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Not the Bee or any of its affiliates.