The emperor doesn't believe the peasants are upset at him.
The dismissiveness of the poor polling is sincere, not public spin, according to Democrats who have spoken privately with the president and his team.
That bedrock belief has informed Biden's largely steady-as-she-goes campaign — even as many Democrats outside the White House are agitating for the campaign to change direction, given that Biden is polling well behind where he was four years ago.
Joe Biden sincerely believes he is a great leader. When you understand his history - especially how his father considered himself an aristocrat who deserved a place of honor and pedigree, but lost it all after WW2 and ended up selling used cars - you'll understand Joe Biden.
A few days earlier, confronted with some of his bad poll numbers in a rare interview with CNN, Biden offered a more sweeping indictment of polling methodology.
"The polling data has been wrong all along. How many — you guys do a poll at CNN. How many folks you have to call to get one response?"
The Biden name is everything to this man. He believes that name, with him as the figurehead, is worth its weight in gold. You and me? We laugh at that. He might be more of a footnote in history than some of you reading this. But it's why the Biden name is sold for access the world over, according to what we've seen from Hunter Biden's laptop and associates like Tony Bobulinski. Biden believes his name and lineage are powerful, and that has given him a modern "divine right to rule" idea in his head.

He can't be bad at this, he thinks: He was born for it.
Driving the news: In public and private, Biden has been telling anyone who will listen that he's gaining ground — and is probably up — on Donald Trump in their rematch from 2020.
"While the press doesn't write about it, the momentum is clearly in our favor, with the polls moving towards us and away from Trump," Biden told donors during a West Coast swing last week.
Ah yes: Biden, the underdog who has no favor with the press!
Meanwhile, Biden truly is down in the polls. Any man of the people, who understands how we all actually live - who knows our hopes and fears and anxieties - would understand why.
The latest polling in the six battleground states likely to decide the presidential race — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — doesn't paint a rosy picture for Biden.
- A new New York Times/Sienna survey, which sampled more than 4,000 people across the swing states, had Trump winning five of them among registered voters.
- A Bloomberg News poll last month similarly found Biden trailing Trump in six of seven swing states (they also polled North Carolina).
Of course, Biden doesn't have to believe the polls. He is effective in his position because he believes the narrative wholeheartedly, either out of the internal beliefs that he has wrapped himself to shield himself from criticism, or because his mental faculties are too diminished to see outside of his carefully constructed reality.
He can continue to do that, and perhaps he will still win. Not because he is up in the polls and has a handle on what Americans need, but because there is a vast Fourth Branch of government that exists to prop him up as a figurehead of the machine.
Consider this: Excluding other factors, the 2020 election was lost because several scandals such as the Hunter laptop story were censored by entities like the FBI and Facebook, which colluded to suppress "misinformation." 16% of voters would have switched their vote for that alone.
The lesson?
Whether or not there were boxes of ballots delivered in the middle of the night to Detroit or Atlanta pales in comparison to the power that comes with controlling information.
For 2024, we have expanded mail-in voting, growing censorship alliances between Big Tech and the White House, and millions - perhaps tens of millions - of illegal aliens, some of whom have been instructed to vote for Biden. The NGO called Resource Center Matamoros was the first to be caught in the act:
Underlined text: "Reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States. We need another four years of his term to stay open."
In the end, what Biden believes is irrelevant. If a normal candidate was this deluded about his voters, he would easily lose, but Biden is not a normal candidate. He is the puppet of the managerial class, and the fact that he and his top advisors seem to be ignorant to this fact is actually an asset to our real rulers in the bureaucracy.
Biden can continue being ignorant. He can continue believing he is the best king and all the little people love him.
The Fourth Branch can run things better with him distracted anyway.
Many people understand this in their bones, even if they don't know how to voice it and they don't understand how exactly elections are "fortified."
As usual, good fiction mirrors reality.
Biden reminds me of a scene from my childhood. I'll leave you with this clip from 20 years ago in the popular children's show "Avatar: The Last Airbender." In it, a shadowy bureaucracy handles the day-to-day ruling of the nation with an iron fist while keeping their king distracted with the frivolities of his court.
You can judge for yourself if this seems familiar, and what it might mean for November. 👇
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇
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