Texas Senator Ted Cruz walked onto the set of ABC's grating gabfest The View, and into a hornets' nest. Not that Cruz was unable to intellectual parry the barrage of inanities and overwrought battiness emanating from Whoopi and the girls, but it seems fair to ask why any person holding a position of influence in the country would subject themselves to such a den of derangement.
Still, amid all the shouting, finger waving, and head bobbing, there was something that caught my eye when I saw the clip circulating on Twitter.
Cruz had a fine answer to the January 6th line of attack that he had to know was coming, but it didn't quell the rage. The token right-leaning host, Alyssa Farah Griffin, shot back at Cruz that at least those Antifa rioters didn't try to kill her former boss, then-Vice President Mike Pence.
With midterm elections looming on the near horizon, Democrat Party mouthpieces like The View gaggle are desperate to downplay the economic and cost-of-living calamity that one-party Democrat rule has brought upon us all. That's why they're still talking about the Capitol riot.
But here's why that exchange caught my attention. At almost the same time it was happening, video was being released by Project Veritas of the twin sister of Arizona's embattled Democrat nominee for Governor, Katie Hobbs.
So the same people who continue, two years later, talking about the dangerous, Constitution-threatening, republic-endangering, national security-imperiling extremists of the MAGA movement, were pouring boatloads of their fundraising cash to help push those very "perilous radicals" closer to public office?
Of course I understand they were doing so because Democrats believe it's easier to run against a radical than a moderate. But answer this: If they truly believed these individuals represented a grave and serious threat to the stability and safety of the American people, would it not be treason-adjacent to bankroll and fund their efforts to come to power?
Of course it would. But we're all just supposed to know they don't really mean what they're saying, and let it slide. That's the game.
This is the same reality that can be witnessed in the left's climate change hysteria. One of the primary reasons I remain utterly unpersuaded that any massive, lifestyle-altering, culture-shifting policy needs to be enacted to stave off a coming climate catastrophe is because the people demanding it don't believe it themselves.
If John Kerry and Al Gore really believed we had months left to make necessary changes before we all perish, we would expect to see some jarring corrections in their own conduct and behavior. They wouldn't be purchasing "carbon credits" in order to take their private jets all over the planet. They would be melting those jets down into plowshares. If Barack Obama really believed that we were past the point of no return when it came to the rise of the oceans, he wouldn't be purchasing insanely expensive oceanfront property.
It's all theater with the Left. It's hysteria meant to drive discourse, frighten voters, and secure a stranglehold on political power.
Wise people won't fall for it.
Wise people will prosecute the actual criminals who broke the law on January 6th and move on. They will expand clean nuclear energy and continue being responsible in the development and production of incredibly beneficial fossil fuels. And they'll turn the channel before Whoopi, Sunny, Ana, and the gang say another word.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Not the Bee or any of its affiliates.