The idiotic shaming of “white,” Western thought

Peter Heck

Jun 9, 2021

I suppose it is possible that they are aware of the intellectual contradiction they embody and just don't care. But at some point, logical minds will have to wrest control of the public narrative away from the anti-white, anti-West, anti-Christian school of thought currently surging through America's public discourse.

Consider that hours are spent deriding any "colonialist" mindset that presupposes Western Enlightenment thought is superior to other competing worldviews. In our supposed institutions of higher learning, anti-West radicals have so effectively indoctrinated Generation Z that there is a near unanimous conformity to loathing the "raping and pillaging" Christopher Columbus, the "rigid and inhumane" Pilgrims, and the "slaveholding" Founding Fathers.

That lazy obedience to the orthodoxy of their college thought-masters has real world implications in a society beholden to the whims of online social media mobs.

Anything of European descent, anything Western in culture, anything occidental in ethos, is immediately rendered at best suspect, at worst demonic these days. Any embrace of the thoughts, philosophies, and principles therein is the result of a person's insufficient commitment to "decolonizing" their mind or some such twaddle.

If you think that's an exaggeration, note the recent lecture that occurred on Yale University's campus entitled, "Psychopathic Problem of the White Mind." The overtly racist speech was delivered by a psychiatrist named Dr. Aruna Khilanani who has previously held teaching positions at Cornell, Columbia, and New York University.

In the speech she announced that white people "suck you dry," noting that there are "no good apples out there" and that "white people make my blood boil." She expressed her fantasies about guiltlessly "unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way."

While it's worth a good laugh to consider both the poor schmucks who are shelling out hundreds of thousands of dollars so their children can go learn things like that, and while it's hilarious to consider what would happen if a lecturer substituted any other racial or ethnic group for "white people" in those statements, there's a larger point to be made.

Specifically, the war on Western or "colonialist" ideology commits the very offense upon which the multiculturalists are prosecuting their case. An essentialist structure of racial superiority and inferiority is at play, immediately demeaning any thought that is "white" as subordinate to those deemed ethnic, native, indigenous, or non-white.

Further, the moral code upon which the multiculturalists base their condemnations of Western society is decidedly Western. Though they pretend to reject as illegitimate all thought that originates from a "colonialist" (meaning Western) mindset, they accuse Columbus, John Winthrop, and James Madison of violating moral precepts taught almost exclusively in Western, enlightened thought.

  • The case against conquest and colonization is built around the principle of private property rights – a Western thought.
  • The case for reparations is built around the principle of equal justice – a Western thought.
  • The case against slavery and human trafficking is built around the principle of natural rights – a Western thought.
  • The case for dismantling patriarchal themes and the subjugation of women is built around the principle of women's liberation – a Western thought.
  • The case for religious and cultural pluralism is built around the principles of skepticism and tolerance – both Western thoughts.
  • The case for bodily autonomy and self-determination is built around the principles of individualism and humanism – both Western thoughts.

In other words, in their furious case against Western imperialism and colonialism, the neo-racist activists populating colleges and universities and spearheading the anti-Western cultural movements surrounding us today are embarrassingly forced to intellectually and morally borrow from the very philosophy they are condemning as intellectually and morally inferior.

How inferior can it be if you are incapable of waging a reasonable or logical case against its existence without relying on its precepts to do so?

There is a better way for all of us, of course. And that would be to praise the Creator for the wisdom, advancements, and contributions all cultures have made that testify to His magnificent omniscience. Is it reasonable that some manmade systems of thought will contribute more to that grand cause of discovering and applying His truth? Yes, of course. Just as it is reasonable that any manmade system or philosophy executed by fallen, prejudiced, weak, and fallible men and women will have faults.

Any past effort to proclaim Western thought infallible and perfect is abominable. The current effort to proclaim Western thought wicked and oppressive is the same.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Not the Bee or any of its affiliates.

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