How does Al Sharpton still have a job?
No one to my knowledge has ever accused MSNBC commentator and notorious race-hustler Al Sharpton of being a towering intellect. That's not to say that Sharpton isn't gifted at what he does. For years, he has effectively generated anger and bitterness in black Americans, fanning the flames of racial discord in order to gain dollars for himself and votes for a Democrat Party more than happy to pay lavish fees for his services.
While the legacy Sharpton will leave behind is not one anybody should envy, his tireless efforts to make people hate one another have certainly allowed him to live a comfortable life.
Nevertheless, one has to wonder if moments like this don't make his bosses at MSNBC consider if he is really worth the embarrassment.
Yes, he really said that. MSNBC employs and provides a handsome paycheck to, and the Democrat party platforms and promotes, a man who simply can't imagine Thomas Jefferson or James Madison seeking to overthrow a government.
That would be the same Thomas Jefferson who authored the Declaration of Independence, justifying the overthrow of a government. And that is the same James Madison who proceeded to author the replacement government's Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Everyone talks about draining the swamp in D.C. Fair enough, but when can we start draining the swamp of people paid to talk about D.C.?
The constitutional scholars of TikTok
A popular Gen-Z social media influencer for the Democrat party named Harry Sisson took issue with Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito‘s recent assessment of progressive efforts to have Congress begin regulating and policing decisions of the federal judiciary.
In keeping with the text and 234-year-old understanding of the U.S. Constitution, Alito wrote,
No provision in the Constitution gives them the authority to regulate the Supreme Court. Period.
Not that anyone should be surprised, as those given to a rigorous study and understanding of constitutional law and theory don't typically migrate to such noble professions as TikTok star, Harry found Alito's constitutionally sound declaration offensive and contemptible.
If you want my honest opinion, a person can obviously make a strong case that Harry Sisson is just that dim. But I will go out on a limb and say he likely knows what Alito is saying is true, but also knows his job is to persuade people addicted to TikTok and other shallow forms of info-tainment. So, he feigns outrage simply to generate anger in a woefully uninformed, but yet overly passionate audience. This is all about undermining public confidence in decisions coming from a high court that the left has lost control of.
Sure seems like that's attempting to undermine our institutions, right? That it's fomenting disregard for lawful authority, right? Even a little insurrectiony, no?
I look forward to bipartisan condemnation of this dangerous rhetoric anytime now.
Prog Christian idolatry
It's a breathtaking embodiment of Jesus's warning in Matthew 7:3. How so many "progressive" Christians obsess over the speck of political idolatry in the eyes of their conservative brethren, while paying no attention to the plank of racial idolatry in their own. Behold this old gem I was just sent:
To those outside of Christ, this may seem like a secondary issue. But for me, as a believer, it is of the upmost significance. If Jesus is truly the only hope of men and nations, open mindedness to the truth - regardless of culture, creed, or civilization - is what all Christians must defer to. As one commenter appropriately, put it:
Forget political differences. When preachers of the gospel flagrantly teach against the counsel of Scripture, which says to "show no partiality" as we walk in faith, the crucial witness of Christ's Church is jeopardized. And for what? The fleeting popularity that always accompanies a willingness to bow the knee before man-made idols. May our Redeemer find us more faithful than that.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Not the Bee or any of its affiliates.