Covid has had a LOT of downsides for students, between crazy lockdowns, mask mandates, insane teachers unions, and just generally following the ScIeNcE. It's no surprise that a large number of parents were fed up with the public school system and took this opportunity to make the switch.
According to Axios, public school enrollment is down in all 50 states and charter school enrollment is up 7% across the board. The biggest increases were in Alabama with charter school enrollment up 65% and Oklahoma where it grew a whopping 78%!

I am HERE 👏 FOR 👏 IT 👏
The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools put out a report detailing the increase in Charter school enrollment saying that families are "voting with their feet" and asking for more school choices,
During the 2020-21 school year, the pandemic forced schools of all types to close their doors and switch to remote learning. Many families were dissatisfied with the quality of what was available to their children. And that dissatisfaction led them to learn more about the other educational options available. For many families, charter schools' nimbleness and flexibility made them the right public school choice.
Homeschooling and private schooling rates are also up.
All of this is great news if you've been following the disaster area that is the public school system.

Unfortunately, not all families have the option to opt-out of traditional public school, but if this huge surge in alternative schooling has taught us anything, it's that parents will find a way to do what's best for their kids.