70 Christians killed in 2 days by militants in Nigeria
· Oct 26, 2022 · NottheBee.com

In two days, 70 Christians were murdered in Nigeria by militant Islamic herdsmen and the government is telling people they must defend themselves with no help from authorities.

From the Christian Post:

In what a Benue state police official suspected was a revenge attack for the alleged killing of five Fulani herders in three different incidents in the area last Tuesday, herdsmen the next day attacked Gbeji village in Ukum County, Benue state.

"In just two days, over 70 Christians were killed by Fulani militiamen in Gbeji community in our local government area," said Terumbur Kartyo, chairman of the Ukum Local Government Council in Benue.

Kartyo added that in Guma Local Government Area, herdsmen last week shot and injured more than 100 Christians in Udei and Yelewata villages, displacing thousands.

Ukum area resident Bede Bartholomew told Morning Star News in a text message that at least 56 Christians were killed in Gbeji town last week.

"About 36 corpses of some of the victims have so far been recovered and taken to the mortuary," he said.

These are tribal wars that are breaking down along religious lines. Herdsmen in an act of apparent revenge attacked more than 100 Christians, killing 56 Christ followers in one town alone.

Benue state government officials who visited the area last week after the attacks said the federal government's inability to curtail the violence justifies providing high-powered arms to citizens' defense groups.

"We are standing on our request for the federal government to give us a license for our Volunteer Guards to bear AK-47s and other sophisticated weapons," said Secretary to the State Government Anthony Ijohor, representing Benue Gov. Samuel Ortom. "The security agencies have been overstretched and, that being the case, our people have to defend themselves."

While they are waiting for the go-ahead to arm and protect themselves, these mass attacks are being carried out regularly.

In Daudu, Guma Local Government Area, herdsmen on Tuesday killed Philip Tavershima Tyohenna, a Christian who was working on his farm when attacked, area resident John Terver said.

On Oct. 12 in Yelwata, herdsmen killed five Christians, residents said.

"The Fulani herdsmen attacked our community of Yelwata at about 1 p.m. on Wednesday, 12 October. Most of the victims were Christians working on their farms," James Orduen said. "Five corpses were recovered by members of our community on their farms. Six other Christians were shot and injured."

Waku Christopher, a member of the Guma Local Government Council, confirmed the killing of the five Christians.

"It is true that Fulanis attacked and killed five members of our community in Yelewata," Christopher said, adding that four of the wounded were receiving hospital treatment.

These attacks come in addition to an ongoing situation in northern Nigeria where Islamic militants are holding young girls, including five Christians, captive as slaves.

The church in Nigeria is under extreme persecution and in dire need of our prayers and support.

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