72-year-old great-grandma convicted for briefly entering Capitol after praying on steps
· Apr 4, 2024 · NottheBee.com

Update: A jury convicted her Thursday afternoon.

This is 72-year-old Rebecca Lavernz, who is in DC this week to be tried for peacefully entering the Capitol for 10 minutes on January 6, 2021.

More from The Post Millennial:

By her own admission, she spent about 10 minutes inside the Capitol Building on J6, over an hour praying outside, and for that, she has been charged with four misdemeanor counts. Surveillance footage shows her peacefully walking around inside the Capitol Building and even speaking to a Capitol Police Officer, who leaned forward slightly to hear her.

She has since launched a fundraiser to help with her legal fees.

I'm thinking of the thousands of videos of violence that I've seen over the last 4 years.

Looting, rioting, women being punched in the face ... so many violent men and women doing horrible things. Many of them are felons with long rap sheets that include murder and rape but have been turned back out to the streets.

Then I look at a 72-year-old great-grandma who loves her country, was swept up in a confusing mess, and committed no violence. I notice how my tax dollars are being used to try to throw her in jail.

Lavrenz, who was making a birthday cake for her son when the FBI came knocking on her door over a year after J6, was charged with entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly conduct in a Capitol Building, and parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol Building.

Lavrenz is mother to four adult children, grandmother to seven grandchildren, and great-grandmother to one. She said she had prayed about whether or not she should attend the Stop the Steal rally at the Elipse in DC on that day."

It didn't take me long to figure out God was saying to go there," she said. "I do what I can in prayer, and I put action to my faith." She drove from Colorado to DC."

It was a patriotic, joyful time to be around so many people who love their country," she said. "I felt a strong presence of the spirit of God fall over me, and I started crying."

"My mission in life is to know God and make his ways known and restore the country back to its godly foundation," Lavrenz said. "Without God, there's no justice."

Here's an elderly woman who loves God, loves her country, had no intention of violence, and was ignorant of how teams of bureaucrats would sort through tomes of legal codes to destroy her life for entering a federal building.

You don't have to agree with her theology or her assessment of the 2020 election to judge whether she was a serious threat to dEmoCraCy.

You'd think great-grandmas like her might get leniency.

The Denver Gazette spells out how dangerous this woman is!

We'll see if the US government decides to lock her up and throw away the key.

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