100-pound sailfish leaps out of water, stabs 73-year-old woman off Florida coast
· Jul 24, 2022 · NottheBee.com

Here's some nightmare fuel for ya.

73-year-old Katherine Perkins from Maryland was on a fishing boat off the coast of Florida when her two mates hooked into a 100-pound sailfish. As they reeled the monster in, it charged the boat, leapt out of the water, and stabbed poor Miss Perkins in the groin, nearly killing her.

"The sailfish jumped out of the water and stabbed Katherine in the groin area while she was standing next to the center console," the sheriff's office said.

Her companions "immediately applied pressure to Perkins' wound and headed toward shore while calling authorities."

The incident happened 2 miles off the shore of Stuart, Florida, north of Palm Beach, according to the sheriff's office.

Thank God she's OK.

Mental note for readers: Wear some catcher's gear, or possibly body armor, next time you're sailfishing.

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