A Funny Thing Happened In The Babylon Bee Forum
· Feb 13, 2024 · NottheBee.com

You've seen the headlines, read the articles, watched the videos and listened to the podcasts, but did you know that there is a secret cabal of mildly hilarious people from all walks of life and many countries who meet daily on the Babylon Bee website to laugh together at the craziness in the world? Well, I thought you might like to have a little peek into the wonderful world of the Bee Headline Forum. The following are some of the funniest headlines from the Forum last week that were not Published or Featured.

Top Headlines of the Week - a selection of headlines with the most upvotes by forum members:

  • Helpful Husband Places Giant Heart On Six Foot Skeleton Still In Yard From Halloween @drconservativeprof
  • My Memory Is Fine, And Please Stop Calling Me Mr. President @gfanson
  • Man Prays Wife's Fever Breaks Before It's Time To Make Dinner @dontslowtheearth
  • Vengeful Wife Gets Haircut Husband Is Sure To Notice This Time @Kirgol
  • Migrant Suffers Broken Middle Fingers After Trying That In A Small Town @Disidente_Redactico
  • Trump Preps For Debate With Biden By Arguing With Bowl Of Jello @showquest
  • SAD: After 50 Years, Beloved Oakland Crack House Closes Its Doors Due To Crime @afnarr
  • Inconsiderate Onlooker Misses 30% Of Disaster By Filming Vertically @pure_teej
  • Groundhog Doesn't See Shadow Because He Was Looking At His Phone The Whole Time @neohillbilly
  • Confirmed: 100% Of Gender Studies Majors Confused About Gender @nicalys
  • Dog Awkwardly Looks Away While Owner Poops On San Fran Sidewalk @buzzyboy
  • Biden Asks If Campaign Platform Has Steps @bbarton713

And there are always a few that I love that didn't make it to the top, like the following:

  • Ben Shapiro Rebrands As 'Li'l Shap' @babylonandonanon
  • 'Just A Flesh Wound,' Declares Nikki Haley, ''Tis But A Scratch' @timberlakeshore
  • Congress Working On The "Sunny With Blue Skies And Everyone Gets A Puppy Act" @trooper777
  • Wife Introduces Anti-Shopping Bill That Caps Amazon Purchases At 5,000 Per Day @baberahamlincoln
  • Humans Of Every Color Surrender Colonized Lands, Return To Mesopotamia @terr922
  • 'Hallelujah! You Can Have It!' Says Harried Mom Of 8 When Trashy Family Van Gets Carjacked In DC @elmer2flp
  • Trump Surges In Polls After Being Deemed Fit To Stand Trial @Shadrach
  • Man Sitting By Taylor Swift Just Wants To Eat Nachos Without Being Judged By 200 Million People @dontslowtheearth

With 500+ headlines posted daily, this only scratches the surface of what happens each week on the headline forum. Let's just say, if you want to get to know some wildly funny people and try your hand at posting headlines, please join us! We'll keep the light on for you. And if you have a favorite headline from the ones above, be sure to let us know in the comments.

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