A Massachusetts man harnessed his inner Leonardo DiCaprio and survived a grizzly bear attack in Wyoming
ยท May 24, 2024 ยท NottheBee.com

This is flipping scary, y'all.

A Massachusetts man was vacationing in the Grand Tetons in Wyoming and had a surprise encounter with a couple of grizzly bears.

Not the friendly "take your pick-a-nick basket" variety either.

The sudden attack occurred on Sunday afternoon, when the Teton Interagency Dispatch received a report of a 35-year-old male visitor from Massachusetts being 'seriously injured' by a bear in the area of the Signal Mountain Summit Road, according to a press release by the National Park Service on Monday detailing the attack.

'Grand Teton National Park rangers and Teton County Search and Rescue personnel responded to the scene to provide emergency medical care and air lifted the patient via helicopter to an awaiting ambulance where he was transported to St. John's Hospital,' officials said.

The man is stable and is expected to recover, but no one knows how he managed to survive the attack.

'Never leave your food unattended unless it is properly secured,' authorities said. 'Keep a clean camp and adhere to all food storage orders. Store all attractants, including coolers, cooking gear, pet food, and toiletries, inside a bear-resistant food locker (i.e. bear box) or a hard-sided vehicle with the windows rolled up.'

Thank God this guy got out of this alive.

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