In addition to the constant threat of capricious government dictates and rising crime rates, California residents—at least some of them—also have to deal with ol' Hank the Tank:
A 500-pound black bear wreaking havoc in the Tahoe Keys community was spotted Friday morning and broke into another home, South Lake Tahoe police said.
The bear now has an unofficial name: "Hank the Tank." Named appropriately by the South Lake Tahoe Police Department this morning, Hank added another crime to his rap sheet.
The bear broke into a secured home on Catalina Drive this morning in the Tahoe Keys neighborhood, South Lake Tahoe Police said.
Authorities are looking to possibly euthanize the great beast once he's finally caught:
"The trapping activity is a measure of last resort to capture and euthanize a specific and what we call a severely habituated or human-food conditioned black bear," [California Department of Fish and Wildlife spokesman Peter] Tira said. "For months – and despite hazing and other mitigation efforts, the target bear has caused extensive property damage and forcefully entered several homes – including occupied homes – in and near the Tahoe Keys."
Dude can you imagine chilling in your living room, maybe eating some popcorn, watching some football, when a 500 pound absolute monster of a murder machine comes waltzing in looking for food??
Proposals to re-home the bear at a sanctuary in Colorado seem potentially unlikely to work:
"The facility in Colorado does seem willing to take the bear. However, a black bear cannot be imported into the state of Colorado without permits and approval from Colorado Parks and Wildlife," Tira said.
It seems unlikely to stick, but we have just one word of advice for Hank the Tank: Get out of town as fast as you can and don't ever break into another house again.