It is a relief to see, after nearly a century of spirit-breaking socialist politics, there are still British men willing to stand up for what's right:
A millionaire accountant who built an unauthorised sports and leisure complex in his garden has been jailed for contempt for refusing to demolish it.
Graham Wildin, from Cinderford, Gloucestershire, was jailed for six weeks by a High Court judge for contempt of court following a hearing in Cardiff.
He had failed to comply with court orders to remove it having previously been warned several times to knock down the complex behind his home in the Forest of Dean.
I mean...can you blame him? Just look at this thing!
A true patriot goes to jail for this sort of thing. That's the kind of manly, fearless quality that is sure to inspire all Great Britons everywhere.

And just think, once he gets out he's got a sweet man cave waiting for him at home!
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