You guys, I'm not joking: Lefties in Portland are actually out here protesting the end of mask mandates with a friggin' "funeral" in loving memory of public health.
In 2023!!!
You can't make this stuff up!

Yup, these people are serious as a heart attack, and they're holding this "funeral" for public health today at 4:30 in Portland's Pioneer Courthouse Square.
I bet these people would rather live the rest of their lives in an Australian-style Covid camp than to go a single day without wearing their N-95 mask.
I mean, look at the fine print on this poster — you're required to wear an N-95 to attend the OUTDOOR funeral.
"We'll have extra."
Yeah, I'll pass!
You know what, I'm supposed to parody this, but I simply cannot.
These people write the jokes themselves, and my job here is done.
Great job, Portland.
You're really moving up in the world!