Parents, take note: When your child tells you there's a monster in her bedroom, you ignore it at your own peril:
When three-year-old Saylor Class began complaining of monsters in her bedroom, her parents thought it was just a figment of a child's overactive imagination.
But then a beekeeper discovered tens of thousands of honeybees above the girl's bedroom.
That's right: We're not talking about a few bees or even a few cells of a hive. We are talking about a major bee metropolis. The bee equivalent of, like, Seattle, or Baltimore, or something.
How did they figure it out? Well, it turns out that bees generate more than enough heat that you can see their hideous little cities with the use of a simple thermal camera:

(This is about the point where I whip out my M240 flamethrower and just torch the whole house.)

Thankfully, the homeowners here were much more level-headed. So they had their guy knock down the wall to get the bees out:

The bees "had spent eight months building the monster hive." As a protected class in the U.S., they were unable to be exterminated, and so they are being "relocated to a honeybee sanctuary."
All told:
The beekeeper has removed between 55,000 and 65,000 bees and 100lb (45kg) of honeycomb.

The homeowner, meanwhile, is facing "more than $20,000 of damages."
It's the least those bees could do to pay some of that back. Maybe they could sell some of their honey!
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇