This right here is true sportsmanship and I'm gonna need a moment cuz it was too dang wholesome
· Aug 17, 2022 ·

This makes the world a little bit of a better place.

Now, there were a surprising number of derisive comments in response to this rather heartwarming scene, but I think it's safe to say these guys are kinda missing the point here.

Yes, we should absolutely be teaching children, especially our young boys, about the importance of competition and competitiveness.

You know what else is a good thing to teach young boys as they grow into men? Adaptability. Flexibility. The ability to read a situation and respond accordingly. The recognition that masculine strength comes in many forms.

Sometimes it's violent and dangerous (for the right reasons), sometimes it's defensive, and sometimes it's something gentler that dispels fear and worry with confident encouragement.

Hey, you're doing just great.

This kid gets it. Well done to the parents raising this champ.

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