Chicago's mayor spent $30,000 in campaign donations on HAIR AND MAKEUP to support "black and brown" businesses
· Jun 15, 2024 ·

How's this for good old-fashioned politics?

Chicago's Brandon Johnson was asked about his exorbitant hair and makeup budget for his mayoral campaign and, essentially, admitted he used it to buy political support.

He gave the money to black people! What's the problem?

That's literally his excuse for taking $30k in campaign donations and spending it on haircuts.

I think it's always appropriate to make sure we're investing in small businesses. Especially minority-owned, black-owned, women-owned businesses.

Okay, how much are they charging for haircuts in Chicago?

Also, it's weird how it's important to Brandon Johnson to spend money ESPECIALLY with businesses that are his political base, blacks, women, and minorities.

If Trump said, "I want to support white businesses in Chicago" the folks at MSNBC would have a heart attack. There might even be riots. But it's okay this way because ... well because they said so.

I encourage all of you in this room ... go get your hair and makeup done by black people in particular.

I mean, from the standpoint of a man who wants a good haircut, I can get behind this. Find a black barber. You won't regret it.

But if this isn't vote-buying, I don't know what is!

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