Elite all-girls college, Hillary Clinton's alma mater, officially votes to allow anyone who identifies as anything along the gender rainbow to attend
· Mar 15, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Wellesley College is one of the top-tier, all-elite, cream-of-the-crop colleges in the United States. For over 150 years they've been educating the country's most privileged women in a broad range of liberal arts, including Hillary Clinton and Madeleine Albright.

Now students at the school have taken the bold step of calling on the administration to start admitting even more privileged women.

That's not a joke. The school already allowed men dressing up like women to attend. Now it allows women who dress like men!

Wellesley College proudly proclaims itself as a place for "women who will make a difference in the world." It boasts a long line of celebrated alumnae, including Hillary Clinton, Madeleine Albright and Nora Ephron.

On Tuesday, its students supported a referendum that had polarized the campus and went straight to the heart of Wellesley's identity as a women's college.

The referendum, which was nonbinding, called for opening admission to all nonbinary and transgender applicants, including trans men. Currently, the college allows admission to anyone who lives and consistently identifies as a woman.

Okay. So. Let's unpack this.

The school already allows "anyone who lives and consistently identifies as a woman" to attend. Translating that from transgender-speak, that means if a man wishes to attend Wellesley, all he has to do is claim to be a woman (and "consistently identify" as one, whatever that means), and he'll get in. Got it?

This week's referendum, on the other hand, calls upon the school to expand admission to "all" transgender-identifying students — including "trans men." A "trans man," of course, is a woman who believes she is a man.

So, in other words, the students of an all-female college that exists for the specific purpose of being a safe learning environment for women are calling upon the school to broaden its admissions criteria to admit literally anyone like a normal college.

That's it. That's the demand.

That's how profoundly off-the-rails and unbalanced so much of the modern U.S. student population has become, thanks in no small part to transgender ideology: Demanding that a school admit the very constituency it already admits.

The school, meanwhile, appears ready to oblige:

In a statement after the vote, a spokesperson for Dr. Johnson said the college would not reconsider its opposition.

"The college will continue to engage all students, including transgender male and nonbinary students, in the important work of building an inclusive academic community where everyone feels they belong," the statement said.

That's American higher education in a nutshell, folks.

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