This woman tried to avoid prison by faking cancer and now she's gonna spend triple the time in the slammer
· Jul 8, 2022 ·

One of the great challenges of being a schoolkid is learning how to properly fake notes to get out of class:

Unfortunately—for her, at least—one lady never quite learned that skill:

One note submitted to the federal judge sentencing a 38-year-old California woman for embezzlement claimed that a biopsy had revealed "cancerous cells" in her uterus. Another indicated that she was undergoing a surgical procedure, and her cancer had spread to the cervix. Yet another letter warned she "cannot be exposed to COVID-19" because of her fragile state.

But federal officials say the notes and cancer were all fake, and now Ashleigh Lynn Chavez is headed to prison for three times as long. The court this week added an additional two years to her initial, one-year prison sentence.

The judge upon reading of the terrible cancer diagnosis of poor Ashleigh Lynn Chavez:

The judge upon finding out the letters were all faked:

Ms. Chavez ultimately made the fatal mistake of writing fake doctors' notes with actual, real doctors' names on it:

Federal authorities contacted the doctors named in the letters who denied writing them, though Chavez had been a patient of one of the physicians, according to federal officials.

Much better to just make up some fictional doctor out of Encinitas or something, although I suppose the court would also figure that one out when it tried to call those nonexistent physicians:

Anyway, she's now spending three times as long in prison thanks to her efforts!

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