Okay, this is some next level idiocy right here and it belongs on the Babylon Bee.
Yes, this is the lefty Lincoln Project actually comparing Antifa pansies to US soldiers who fought the Nazis on D-Day:
Okay so let's go ahead and fully quote this video because I think I need it all again:
Who is Antifa? They stormed the beaches of Normandy; parachuted into the French countryside; and gave their lives to face down and fight back against Fascism. They took down Nazi machine gun nests; tore apart the Third Reich's strongholds; liberated concentration camps; liberated France, Italy, Belgium, Holland.
Anywhere Antifa [no kidding, he's still talking about Antifa] saw Fascism they fearlessly and relentlessly annihilated it. Fascism was defeated because of patriots like these [I'm thinking he still means Antifa]. Proud Americans who knew that the fight against Fascists was not simply a battle between opposing nations. It was a war against inhumanity. A war that isn't nice, but cannot be lost. A war we still fight today [insert photo of Donald Trump (not joking, it's in there)].
Antifascism: it's not a cable news talking point. It's an American ideal that should be memorialized. Because it was paid for in blood.
Okay, you guys got that?
And now in 2021 the Nazis are who?
Trump supporters?

Oh yeah, you're gonna throw January 6th in there, aren't cha? Try to lump all Trump supporters in with the Q-Anon nut bags...
Sure, that strategy is really working well for you people!
As if January 6th was Trump's failed coup at the Beer Hall Putsch. Very serious stuff, and well planned out too! The Q-Anon Shaman was a nice touch.
But all this "comparing everyday conservatives to Nazis" stuff is beside the point.
These people at the Lincoln Project are really taking themselves seriously when they compare Antifa hipsters to actual US soldiers who fought actual Nazis in an actual war against fascism.
Oh, and look at this!!!
It's not just the Lincoln Project floating around this idiocy...
MSNBC's Brian Williams really played this same Lincoln Project clip during his show:
Like, they think this is serious… but it's so stupid.
And I love it!!
You know what, I just thought of something: Can you imagine if we sent Antifa to fight the Chinese or some other modern version of the Nazis?
We'd be occupied in half an hour.
In all honesty, though, I just want to take a step back and say...
Thank you for your service, members of Antifa!
I salute you!