After 8 years of infertility, this couple welcomed 4 babies into their family within 3 months
ยท Nov 11, 2023 ยท

Pennsylvania couple Zac and Brittney Wolfe just welcomed four babies into their family over the past three months through both adoption and embryo adoption after eight years of infertility.

Zac Wolfe told Good Morning America, that they always wanted a big family, but four babies in three months was not at all what they expected.

The couple began trying to have children after they were married in 2015, but after one miscarriage and years of unexplained infertility, they were unable to conceive.

That's when they started to pursue adoption. The couple underwent a home study in order to adopt, but when that process led to more dead ends and heartbreaks, a relative mentioned the idea of embryo adoption to them.

In the US, there are close to a million frozen embryos that are "leftover" after the IVF process, many of which are donated to be adopted.

The Wolfes decided to pursue embryo adoption, but once again suffered a miscarriage in December 2022. They decided to try one more time to transfer another embryo, but around the same time, they got a call from a friend who knew of a local mom looking for an adoptive family for her preborn baby.

"We met with her and she asked us if we would adopt her baby," Brittney Wolfe recalled of their first meeting with the woman in March. "So, we were there from about the middle of her pregnancy. I was with her at her 20-week ultrasound when we found out it was a girl. I was there through all of her appointments."

Because of their history of failed adoptions and pregnancy loss, the couple chose to continue to pursue the embryo adoption at the same time, and Brittney had three embryos implanted.

Her doctors told them that there was less than a one percent chance that all three would survive.

Brittney described her first ultrasound after the transfer saying,

"We got the [first] ultrasound and I said to the tech, 'Can you tell me there's one? Please, please tell me there's one because we really want this,'" Brittney Wolfe recalled. "And she smiled, and she said, 'Oh, there's two,' and I looked at Zac and we're both smiling, like, 'Holy cow, we're going to have three kids. This is so crazy.' And then [the tech] said, 'Oh my gosh, wait ... there's three.'"

Just a few weeks later, their daughter Charlie was born on July 27th and her adoption went forward as planned, with the couple bringing her home from the hospital.

Meanwhile, Brittney's pregnancy with the triplets was miraculously uncomplicated, and the three babies were delivered just shy of three months later on October 19 at 30 weeks gestation.

The triplets, Knox, Noa, and Navie, are expected to remain in the NICU for several more weeks but are all doing well.

Brittney said that by the time the triplets get to come home from the hospital, they'll be ready to care for the four babies.

We're going to blink and we're going to look back and say, 'How the heck did we do that?' But we did it. We're all thriving. It's going to be good.

Congrats to the Wolfe family. Life is about to get a whole lot more fun!

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