Fairfax County finally arrested the Virginia bird bandit, and while their Soros DA lets murderers out without bail, apparently this guy is too dangerous!
· Nov 11, 2023 · NottheBee.com

The Fairfax County Police Department spent three months catching up with Hector Eduardo Rios, Virginia's notorious "bird bandit."

You wouldn't think he would be particularly hard to find.

The dude dresses like a pirate on a Hawaiian vacation with three parrots that ride around on top of his head and shoulders like salty scalawags sailing a two-legged schooner.

Rios and his parrots were wanted for robbing people at knifepoint at a McDonald's.

They then took their ill-gotten gains to a convenience store next door to buy some snackies.

I suppose with the Caribbean seas little more than a tourist trap these days, a pirate has to secure his seabiscuits and spirits somehow.

Now that the police have bothered to arrest him, Rios has been charged with robbery and is being held without bond.

Hold up!

Held without bond?

I'm confused.

The Fairfax County DA, Steve T. Descano, is one of those Soros-backed DAs that ended cash bail for criminals.

How is it that the bird bandit didn't just walk back out the revolving door of justice?

Now, I have even more questions.

Just who is the bird bandit that he would rate a higher value prisoner than Fairfax's murderers and serial thieves?

I mean, there was the guy that attacked a bouncer at bar and then fired a gun into the crowd, and Descano all but patted him gently on the head as he went free.

But our vacationing pirate and his jolly band of birds are being held without bail?

Just what is going on?

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