After School Satan Clubs steadily increasing in popularity due to legal wins, and their children’s educational material is very revealing.
· May 10, 2023 ·

A federal court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania recently ruled in favor of an After School Satan Club when it sued a Northampton County school district that would not allow the club to meet on its grounds.

The Satanic Temple was represented by the ACLU in the case.

"In a victory for free speech and religious freedom, a federal court has ruled that the Saucon Valley School District must allow the After School Satan Club to meet in district facilities," the ACLU announced.

While it might be tempting to say the ACLU is an institution of dogmatic liberalism, and they're just trying to help the Satanists get a fair shake in the after-school-club market, it's also important to note that leaked internal memos from the ACLU show they are anything but liberal these days.

At the same time, work to advance equality may create tensions with speech and religious liberty, where equality demands require individuals or institutions to limit their speech or to act in ways that contradict their religious beliefs.

And as it turns out, the Satanic Temple has the same goals, trying to get people to act in ways that contradict their religious beliefs: abortion, sexual depravity, gender confusion, etc. etc.

And in an effort to pass those tenets on to our children the Satanic Temple has created an after-school program for elementary schools.

Here's their promotional video:

(I predict few of you will make to the end.)

They have also started producing children's content for these programs.

There's The Satanic Children's Big Book of Activities:

And there's Goodnight Baphomet, a not so subtle riff on Goodnight Moon.

That lays out the seven tenets of the Satanic Temple in "soothing rhymes".

The two represented here are:

  • One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.
  • The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.

And those don't sound terrible, but here's what they mean in simple terms:

  • Humans are not any more important than animals.
  • Revolution is necessary, so everyone will have equal need.

Other tenets include a person's "body being inviolable, subject to one's own will alone," and they use that as the basis for calling abortion and gender fluidity sacred Satanic rituals.

And the list goes on.

Since nothing they're peddling isn't already being peddled in public schools , don't be surprised when an After School Satan Club makes its way to a school near you.

But if we're honest about it, they're just pulling back the curtain on who's controlling the big woke monster everyone's so scared of anyway.

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