Kenny Neil Hansen and Adrian Harley Salerno are finally behind bars after leading Idaho sheriffs on a high-speed chase.
Why were they fleeing the police?
To begin with, they had broken into several establishments around town.
They broke some stuff and took some items from one store, and left them at another. Not good, but not San-Francisco style looting either.
In the end though, what the pair really wanted was munchies, so they broke into a restaurant and lifted a bag of frozen chicken strips. There was also $38 readily available, so they grabbed that too.

But then they were spotted by the cops, so they took off.
Police did not say how long the chase lasted, but they did say the two men topped 100 mph flying through the dark streets with their lights off.
During the pursuit, the deputy notes the vehicle was only clearly visible when its brake lights illuminated.
There isn't any mention of alcohol or drugs involved in the pair's activities. But I mean... breaking into a restaurant for chicken strips in the middle of the night?
What else could it be?

Unless one of their rich dad's had just married the other's hot mom.
And they were out for some brotherly bonding time.

If so, they should have went with the bees-are-attacking ruse to throw off the police.
The bees always work.

Shoutout to Not the Bee user @toyyoda for the heads up about this story.
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