Well, I can't say I'm totally shocked.
Christianity Today, founded by Billy Graham and one of the largest Christian publications in the world, has been trending leftward for quite some time, but these new revelations are eye-opening.
Meg Basham over at the Daily Wire is reporting that between 2015 and 2022 the staff at Christianity Today have not shied away from throwing their money into politics. But every single dollar went to only one side.
Between 2015 and 2022, nine Christianity Today employees made 73 political donations. All of them went to Democrats. This tally includes President and CEO Timothy Dalrymple, who gave $300 in two separate payments to failed Georgia Senate candidate Sarah Riggs Amico.
73 separate political donations and every single dollar went to the party of abortion, race Marxism, and the LGBT mob.
This from the "flagship magazine" of evangelical Christianity.
The average evangelical is an anti-abortion, pro-marriage, anti-illegal immigration Republican. But these folks at CT are dyed-in-the-wool lefties who apparently like to support the exact opposite.
President and CEO Dalrymple twice gave to a Georgia Democrat whose platform clearly states that she is a pro-abortion and pro-LGBT candidate who supports the anti-religious liberty "Equality Act."
Dalrymple was not the only member of the magazine's executive ranks to donate to Democrats. Natalie Lederhouse, Vice President of Advertising and Partnerships, contributed $50 to the 2020 Biden Victory Fund. The Federal Election Commission has no records of any Christianity Today executive giving to the GOP since 1991.
Pre-Bill Clinton! A bunch of you weren't even born yet!
That's how long it has been since a CT executive has given to the GOP, the party that most closely aligns itself with conservative and Christian interests.
Basham points out in her article that, as far as journalistic standards go, editorial staff should NEVER give to candidates, and even the big lefty outlets like New York Times, WaPo, NPR, and others follow these standards. They even fire people who violate this ethical standard.
But I guess the CHRISTIANITY TODAY staff doesn't really care about ethics.
So much for being above reproach.
Between October 2019 and November 2020, news editor Daniel Silliman made eight donations to five different pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ candidates, among them, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren's presidential campaign...
Silliman also donated to Renee Hoyos, Tennessee Democrats' nominee to the U.S. House; Moe Davis, House candidate from North Carolina; Blair Walsingham, House candidate from Tennessee; and former Senator Doug Jones (D-AL).
Silliman is a news editor at CT and he's donating to wildly pro-abort candidates!
And, if you read Basham's piece, you'll see example after example of how Silliman's Democrat bias is clear in his writings.
Dalrymple responded to Basham, claiming that the newsroom is much more balanced and fair than the donations would make it seem.
Dalrymple does point out that one staff member did donate to a Republican this year, breaking the 7-year perfect streak for Democrats.
Basham asks the important question:
Yet given the fact that Christianity Today's donations flow (with one very recent exception) entirely in one direction and the person in charge of political coverage appears to have strong partisan impulses, it raises the question of whether staffers are using their media positions to try to shift the opinions of other evangelicals.
It seems pretty clear where the loyalties of these CT editors and staff lay.
Does "Christianity" Today even represent evangelicals at all anymore?
Far more importantly, do they even come close to representing Christ?
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