Michael and Hannah Carmack are one in 70 million, after welcoming their two sets of identical twins, quadruplets Evelyn, Adeline, David, and Daniel.
The quads were born at 27 weeks gestation at UAB Women and Infants Center in Birmingham, Alabama on March 14th. Since then they have been in the NICU, but are doing great and expected to come home by their due date in June.
Michael told TODAY about the moment they found out they were having not one baby, but four. He said of his wife Hannah,
She was like, ‘Twins?' But the ultrasound tech didn't respond. Then Hannah goes, ‘Is it three?' Then the ultrasound tech put her hand on Hannah's knee and said, ‘Sweetie, it's four,'
I started laughing. Hannah started to cry.

The couple already had one daughter, 8-year-old Emily, and while Michael says he always wanted a big family, the idea of adding four babies was overwhelming to Hannah.
Michael said after they left from that ultrasound appointment he scheduled an emergency meeting with their pastor. Michael joked,
He thought we were getting divorced.
But they came away from that meeting with greater unity and peace about the four babies God had entrusted to them.
Michael said that after that meeting,
What I think Hannah came to realize is, ‘This is not normal. We had been chosen for something by God.
And their story is most definitely not normal, as conceiving quadruplets without the help of IVF is something like a 1 in 600,000 chance (with two sets of identical twins being even more rare) but they are grateful for the crazy life God has given them and for each of their five children.
While it has been very stressful, we know the Lord will work it out. We were chosen by the Lord for this, so we're just gonna run with it.
The Carmack family has started a GoFundMe to fund their home renovation to make room for their family of seven as they prepare to bring their babies home next month.