I have some questions, but first, watch this:
Going with former Clinton communications guy George Stephanopoulos was a good choice for Baldwin to control the PR spin. The soft but dramatic piano music really builds in that "Alec-will-overcome" vibe that they've got going.
Let's get to the major head-scratcher here:
I didn't pull the trigger.... I would never point a gun at anybody and pull the trigger at them.
That's an interestingly-worded statement.
Okay, now for my questions.
- DID HE POINT THE GUN AT SOMEONE? If my gun kills someone that I pointed it at, no judge is going to take "I didn't pull the trigger" as a defense. Baldwin must have pointed it at Hutchens (by all accounts unintentionally), since bullets don't defy the laws of physics (nice try, Wanted).

- How did the gun fire? Guns aren't magic items that act of their own volition. Baldwin was using an antique revolver on the set of his new Western film. Such revolvers use a single or double-action of the trigger to fire. Single action can only fire if someone pulls the hammer back. Double action uses the trigger to set and release the hammer.

- Did Baldwin graze the trigger by accident while he was pointing the gun carelessly in Hutchins' direction? Did he hit it against something that caused it to discharge (older revolvers are often lacking a transfer bar that prevents the gun from firing if it's dropped or jolted)?
- Did Baldwin cock the weapon, or if not, might it have been handed to him that way? If the latter, what kind of armorer would do that??
I have zero clue. I'm trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, but denying pulling the trigger just seems like a copout.
I wish this story wasn't being dragged back into international headlines so we could let local investigations conclude, but I guess Baldwin wants to bring it back into the spotlight to clear his name or whatever.