If you thought people were angry about Chappelle saying the trans movement isn't the same as the civil rights movement, then you ain't seen NOTHING yet.
Check out Ricky Gervais' rated-R bit from his new Netflix special released Tuesday that he just did:
[As I said, rated R. Strong language incoming.]
I normally wouldn't share a clip like that, but we're in an age of such insanity, with comedy literally under attack from Will Smith slaps and the dude who attacked Dave Chapelle, that it takes real guts to speak against Wokeism like this.
And yeah, people were TRIGGERED.
Look at that last tweet. Remember how Netflix sent a memo to all its woke staff telling them to cowboy up and stop being so offended at everything?
Yeah, I think this Netflix special from Gervais was the reason! Apparently, they sat on it for months and months, debating what to do, but their revenue loss lately probably made them realize that woke stuff isn't making them money.
Here's Gervais talking about the special and Netflix in general (language again):
Gervais' advice for handing the woke mob.
Do your special. Get paid. Buy a house. Ignore it all.
Smart man!
P.S. Now check out our latest video ๐