Here's something interesting: Non-black Democrats really like the idea of affirmative action until they find out that affirmative action discriminates against Asians.
Wouldn't you believe it?!?
These non-black Democrats approve of affirmative action in college admissions at a rate of 63.4% — well, until they realize these affirmative action policies negatively impact the Asian community. At that point, their approval of affirmative action moves to just 37.8%.

These people must be super smart!!
And super inclusive, too!!
Here's what the Manhattan Institute had to say:
Our second major finding comes from our other framing experiment, which found that respondents who learn that affirmative action policies may harm Asian (rather than white) students are far more likely to oppose racial preferences. That is, we find compelling (and statistically significant) evidence that when Asian disadvantage is emphasized, support for affirmative action craters.
In total, support for preferences dropped by 10 percentage points, from 35.4% to 25.6%. Among whites alone, support dropped by 8 points, and among the pooled white, Asian, and Latino grouping, support dipped 10 points (all statistically significant differences) …
Unsurprisingly, we found strong opposition to affirmative action among Republicans (95%), irrespective of whether Asians or whites were mentioned as the victims. But among Democrats, we witnessed a remarkable crack in the Obama coalition. Specifically, seven out of 10 Democrats who were told that affirmative action disadvantaged whites favored giving racial preferences to black students. But when Democratic respondents were informed about the disadvantages to Asian students, a minority (46%) said that they supported such preferences. Among the nonblack elements of the diverse Obama coalition (progressive whites, Asians, Hispanics), support dried up even more. As Figure 1 shows, 63% of these voters favored preferences that came solely at the expense of white students, but only 38% backed affirmative action when they learned that Asian applicants would lose out.
So there you have it, folks. Nearly half of the support for college admission affirmative action among non-black Democrats is only there to keep white people out.
It's anti-whiteness.
In this light, we can assume that a quarter of non-black Democrats are simply racist against white people, or would like others to be. That's not a huge jump to make. It's right there in the statistics.
But mark my words: These numbers will not remain this way. As the progressives come to learn that Asians are hard workers, have strong family values, eat healthy foods, and show up to work on time, they'll eventually realize that Asians are actually more white supremacist than white people themselves!
One more stat before I go:
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