Amazon's recent tweets have been so political that one of its OWN security experts thought its account had been hacked!
· Mar 31, 2021 ·

Amazon corporate news account on Twitter has been a bit... feisty this week, directly replying to members of Congress that have been critical of the company.

Take a gander at some of these posts with me. Here's one criticizing Wisconsin Democratic Rep. Mark Pocan:

And one taking a direct shot at Sen. Bernie Sanders, along with a retweet of an Amazon executive taking direct shot at Sanders:

And a shot at Sen. Elizabeth Warren:

The news account then retweeted a post from another Amazon account that attacked former Democratic candidate Andrew Yang:

And finally, here was a shot at the press:

The posts were so angry and so political that a security expert within the company filed an I.T. ticket believing the account had been hacked!

"Over the past two days, there have been two threads by @amazonnews in response to comments made by US Government officials that have received considerable attention," wrote the security engineer. "The tweets in question do not match the usual content posted by this account, and doesn't seem to match the quality careful wording, and doesn't report the same source-label."

The engineer also noted that the tweets had been posted directly through the Twitter web app instead of the post-scheduling software Sprinklr.

Apparently, the suits in the PR department told I.T. to cease and desist, and that the issue was a part of an "ongoing PR issue and does not require any technical support."

Don't get me wrong: I love seeing a company take shots at woke members of Congress.

That being said, I don't pity Amazon one bit. For a company that has done such amazing things, they continue to back leftist politicians and hold woke sociopolitical positions.

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos also owns WaPo, one of the most far-left, partisan "news" outlets in America.

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