An elevator mechanic accidentally threw away this modern art exhibit. I wonder why.
ยท Oct 8, 2024 ยท

French artist Alexandre Lavet's "All the Good Times We Spent Together" mysteriously disappeared from the LAM in Lisse, Netherlands.

The "art" consisted of two hand-painted, discarded beer cans sitting in the museum's elevator shaft.

To Lavet, the cans symbolized his precious moments with friends. Evenings spent for a drink together may seem like nothing special, but are ultimately valuable moments when people connect with each other.

But to any casual onlooker, like say, an elevator mechanic, the exhibit looked like trash some jerk left lying around. And like any conscientious person should, the mechanic cleaned up the elevator when he was finished with the maintenance.

Panicked curators found the exhibit in the museum's trash.

Museum director Sietske van Zanten stressed that the museum doesn't blame the mechanic, who was standing in for the regular mechanic who tends to the museum's lift and knows its eccentricities. 'He did his job to the best of his ability,' she said. 'On a positive note, it is a compliment to the artist Alexandre Lavet.'

A compliment to the artist?

Well, even I have to admit: that's some realistic looking garbage.

The LAM specializes in art in unexpected places, particularly relating to food and drink.

What's the current unexpected place for the discarded cans?

A pedestal at the entrance to the museum.

'They have been given a temporary place of honor in the entrance to the museum. On a classic pedestal, this time. To put the work in the spotlight', explains curator Elisah van den Bergh.


Someone should fire that lady and bring back the elevator guy. He's much better at this art thing.

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