Remember: Just because it's on the Internet doesn't mean you have to do it.
A bizarre play on an ice cream sandwich featuring McDonald's hash browns and a McFlurry has taken the internet by storm. ...
While some TikTok users were turned off by the unique sandwich, many seemed intrigued and willing to dabble.
"Come to think of it it's the same thing as dipping fries into ice cream," one user commented...
Actually, it's not the same thing at all. A salty-sweet combo is generally good. But the McHashBrown is way too dense and oily to be paired up with the McFlurry, which, if I may be so blunt, is third-rate ice cream to begin with.
I'm sorry but this just looks gross:
And the influencer who started this craze, Kelly Arvan, she doesn't make it convincing. She looks like she's not enjoying this at all and is just trying to make a go of it for clicks.

If you actually want to watch people eating these things, go here. We don't embed TikToks into our articles here at Not the Bee, because we love our readers and don't want Xi Jinping tracking you on our site.
P.S. Do you know what's a great salty addition to ice cream? Mini pretzels. They provide a wonderful textural contrast and bracing pops of savoriness that pair excellently with most ice cream flavors. Go that route instead, ya weirdo.