It happened: Good guy with gun kills armed "robber" who was hired by illegal immigrant in "rob-for-visa scheme"
· May 23, 2024 ·

These U-Visa robberies are getting out of control.

More and more illegal aliens are paying to be the "victim" of a violent crime so that Biden will give them a green card to stay in the country in exchange for helping law enforcement solve the crime.

But they'd be wise not to stage such an event in a state like Texas.

You never know when a good guy with a gun might show up and try to help, which is precisely how two-bit criminal and con-artist Rasshauud Scott ended up shot and killed.

Scott and Sade Beverly (his fiancée) were running a rob-for-visa scheme in Houston when they were hired by William X Winfrey to stage the robbery in order to secure the two victims U-Visas.

However, they didn't count on Jesus Vargas, a bystander, being there with a gun. In an attempt to help the victims, Vargas shot and killed Scott.

And that's where things go wonky.

I'm going to start with Scott's fiancee's response and go from there:

'He didn't deserve what happened to him at all. He was making a dumb decision. I'm not defending him, of course, but he didn't deserve to die,' she said.

'Somebody still lost a life at the end of the day. Have some decorum,' she said. 'It would have eventually caught up to him, and he would have had to learn the hard way. He just took him out. He didn't get the chance to fix his mistakes.

'Nobody's talking about the real issue here, and that's gun laws. They need to change,' she said. "' don't see how people are able to say its okay to take somebody's life. It's never OK.'

A criminal conducting armed robberies to submit fraudulent visa applications wants to change the gun laws.

But it doesn't end there.

She says she also wants to see the shooter, Vargas, charged with murder.

He's the one behind the trigger. He's the one who made that decision.

And before we laugh and roll our eyes some more, Vargas isn't innocent here.

While being a good Samaritan and helping the "victims" in what looked like an armed robbery is commendable, he told them afterwards not to tell anyone he was there.

And his reason for remaining anonymous wasn't some kind of vigilante humility.

The guy was on probation, and there's a gun law prohibiting him from having a gun.

Despite violating his probation, Vargas hasn't been charged with anything so far. And although the "victims" conspired to defraud the government, they haven't been charged with anything either.

Along those same lines, the fiancée also hasn't been charged.

In fact, the only one being charged with a crime is the guy who set up the staged robbery, William X Winfrey, and he isn't being charged with conspiracy or anything sensible either.


Winfrey is being charged with the murder of Rasshauud Scott, even though he wasn't even on the scene.

The logic involved in every aspect of this story is enough to make a Vulcan weep.

(Edit: Readers have pointed out Winfrey is being charged under the Felony-Murder law, which makes someone committing an inherently dangerous felony culpable for any death that occurs during that felony even if they were not directly involved in the death.)

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