Midterm warnings: AOC says Biden faces a collapse of support among young voters ... because he hasn't forgiven student loan debt đŸ¤£
· Mar 25, 2022 · NottheBee.com

At some point—I'm not sure when, I haven't looked it up and I don't really care—Biden made some sort of promise to maybe, I dunno, cancel student debt or something?

Wasn't that like a big thing during the 2020 race?

Maybe, maybe not. Doesn't really matter, Jack!

In any event, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is pretty miffed that he hasn't done it yet one way or another, and apparently lots of other Millennials feel that way:

Progressive darling Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says President Biden is risking the "collapse" of his support among progressive and younger party voters, in a new interview...

"We need to acknowledge that this isn't just about middle of the road, increasingly narrow band of independent voters," the self-described Democratic socialist told [New York 1 host Errol] Louis.

"But, this is really about the collapse of support among young people, among Democratic base, feeling like they worked overtime to get this president elected and they aren't necessarily being seen..."

"It is Biden's power and ability to cancel student debt, and nobody else's," she told Louis, referencing a promise made by Biden on the campaign trail to axe $10,000 off every college student's debt, a progressive talking point that the White House has yet to fulfill.

"Feeling like they worked overtime..."

Yeah, you know, you can sympathize with them. If you walked door-to-door in Philadelphia and Kenosha in the hot sweltering 2020 summer heat, knocking on doors for eight hours while wearing a suffocating cloth mask and shouting at registered Democrats across a socially-distant nine-foot gap... you'd want something to show for it, right?

Asked if the Biden administration might consider wiping away the debt in order to shore up support ahead of the midterm, AOC...

...answered that Biden is still mulling it over, but warned, that "time for the administration is running out."

She added: "And we do not have much more time to wait because these falling poll numbers, I don't believe in governing by polling."

Don't worry, kids: I bet all of that nasty old debt will just up-and-vanish sometime around early October!

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