After Super Bowl ads, AOC suggests that Christians loving their enemies is making “fascism look benign”
· Feb 13, 2023 ·

A few videos from the organization He Gets Us aired during the Super Bowl.

The first, titled "Refugee," showed pictures of refugee parents with their children and told the story of Mary and Joseph fleeing to Egypt, repeating the refrain "Jesus was a refugee."

The second, titled "Love Your Enemies," showed pictures of people yelling at each other during protests and ended with the phrase "Jesus loved the people we hate."

Then both say, "He gets us. All of us."

In response to these videos, Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez tweeted the following:

Now, I'll go out on a limb and say this wasn't in reference to the "Jesus was a refugee" ad.

I mean, I guess there's a chance she's flipped on her open border policies, but I kind of doubt it.

My guess is that she's upset about the one suggesting that Jesus loves the people she hates.

Why the comment about benign fascism though?

I think we all know that when the left throws around the word "fascism," they don't mean the classical definition like the totalitarian dictatorships of Hitler and Mussolini: you know the fascism with the totalitarian one-party federal government that eschews personal freedom and strongly regulates society and the economy for the perceived benefit of the nation.

They mean anyone that opposes Marxism, including liberals.

Since one of the basic tenants of Karl Marx was that "religion is the opium of the masses," the idea that Christians should love their enemies is really just a way for oppressors to make the oppressed feel better about their lot in life: benign fascism.

So, it's no wonder that AOC would hear a basic tenet of the Christian faith as a threat to her social agenda.

She wants people raging in the streets and burning down the old system. She wants people to be enemies of Christ and his people, not loving one another in His name.

There's the rub isn't it?

What's also ironic is that He Gets Us is an organization that's spent a lot of money trying to appeal to people exactly like AOC:

Consider this other ad that focuses on being seeker-sensitive:

"When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways." - 1 Corinthians 13:11

But here's the deal: Only God knows what AOC's future holds, but I for one will spend some time praying like a benign fascist for her salvation today.

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