AOC wants the federal government to fund a program to "de-radicalize" white supremacists, and I'm sure that won't be abused in any way.
· Jan 16, 2021 ·

Prepare to be deprogrammed, bigot!

Don't you just hate those nasty white supremacists? I mean, who wouldn't want to support a program to de-radicalize the addled brains of Neo-Nazis? Amirite??

Well, lucky for us rightthinkers AOC is suggesting just such a program!

But before you get too excited, hear me out. Deprogramming radicalized people sounds really fun and all until you realize that when Leftists say "white supremacists" what they really mean is anyone to the right of Mao Zedong.

We've seen for several years now how the term "white supremacist" has gradually become a synonym for "Trump supporter" or "anyone politically opposed to full-on radical Marxism."

That's the beautiful thing about it I suppose, you don't even have to actually be a white supremacist to be a white supremacist anymore. You just have to be conservative.

But don't worry, little bigot. As Biden has so often said, help is on the way!

"There are people who are radicalized right now. It's going to take a very long time to de-radicalize these people and a lot of effort," she said, noting that there are already programs in place for this sort of thing. But "we need to double, triple or quadruple the funding for these programs."

Translation: The re-education camps are ready, but the electroshock machines are kinda expensive!

I'm sure it will only be a short stay in the gulags before you can be reintroduced to the world as a productive (and progressive!) member of society. So, just relax. After all, this is for your own good.

Or as AOC said rather comfortingly, "healing is possible."

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