AP Poll: Most Americans think Joe Biden is too old to run for president again
· Aug 28, 2023 · NottheBee.com

I think the AP, for once, has said something absolutely perfectly:

Americans actually agree on something in this time of raw discord: Joe Biden is too old to be an effective president in a second term. Only a few years his junior, Donald Trump raises strikingly less concern about his age.

Left, right, or center, Americans all agree that Joe Biden cannot be an effective president in his second term (Just look at his first term!) because he's an old, old man.

And, sure, Trump is just a few years younger, but in terms of energy Trump has it in spades and SEEMS decades his junior.

Getting 77% of American adults to agree on ANYTHING is a big deal. And if they're all in agreement that, after three bad years, Sleepy Joe is too old for the job, then that is bad, bad, bad news for Democrats.

Only about half think Trump is too old, with many thinking maybe Trump needs to grow up in his temperament.

The AP pollsters also asked voters to give a single word they most associate with Joe Biden:

In those visceral responses, 26% mentioned Biden's age and an additional 15% used words such as "slow" or "confused." One Republican thought of "potato."

Among Democrats, Biden's age was mentioned upfront by 28%. They preferred such terms over "president," "leader," "strong" or "capable." One who approves of his performance nevertheless called him "senile."

Only 3% in the survey came up with "confused" as the first descriptor for Trump, and a mere 1% used "old" or the like.

Even Biden supporters think of him as "old" first and foremost!

This isn't to say the average American prefers Trump to Biden. But it does show that painting Biden as old will be more effective in 2024 than in 2020.

And for good reason:


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