The government will never stop fighting for you!
That's the kind of "the-government-is-your-daddy" propaganda that is coming from the department of education to your email inbox if you signed up for student debt relief.
You see, Biden signed an illegal executive order, then the Education Department told everyone "please sign up for this debt relief and give us your email!"
Then a judge, of course, struck it down, and now the Biden administration and his education lackey – I mean secretary! – sent out this email to everyone who applied, saying that they want to give us the money, but the mean courts are in the way.
The Biden-Harris Administration is committed to helping borrowers as they recover from the pandemic.
Education is a great equalizer, and we will never stop fighting for you!
"Education is the great equalizer"???
Daddy Biden loves you and wants to pay for your bills, but the mean old Republicans and the courts are trying to stop us.

And now the Biden admin has all these emails he can send out in order to campaign under the guise of "official" communication.