Winston Marshall, former Banjo player for the popular band Mumford and Sons, was publicly canceled last year for giving an endorsement for a book by journalist Andy Ngo about Antifa.
The woke Left pounced on him, he initially apologized, then he took back his apology and ended up leaving the band because of his political differences.
Watch Marshall explain what happened to Glenn Beck:
Marshall's gut reaction, like all normal and polite people, was to apologize because he assumed the people offended knew something he didn't. But when he looked more into it and did his research, he realized that it was just hyper-sensitive woke reactionaries who were offended.
When Winston realized he was in the right and apologized simply to get out of the spotlight, he realized he shouldn't have backed down.
My conscience really started to bother me. I was also frustrated because I thought I was in some way excusing behavior of Antifa by apologizing for criticizing it. Which then made me feel like I'm as bad as the problem. Because I'm then sort of agreeing that it (Antifa) doesn't exist.
So he stood his ground.
But, in the end, he had to build a new life because he wouldn't be able to continue with the band because of the woke left.
The lesson here that we can all take from this is that he wouldn't back down when he knew he was right.