As families flee public education, many schools are facing closures — and officials are blaming everyone but themselves.
· Aug 28, 2022 ·

According to a report from the Associated Press, many schools in cities across the nation are facing closure because of drops in enrollment. More than one in five New York City schools have fewer than 300 students, Los Angeles one in four, Chicago one in three, and Boston one in two.

Most of these school buildings were built to accommodate large city populations with thousands of students, and just the cost of upkeep on the building makes it hard to justify keeping the school open with so few students.

Just as an example, Manley Career Academy High School on Chicago's West Side is down to 65 students. The school really should be closed down, but Illinois passed a law that prohibits Chicago from closing any schools until 2025, and the state is using U.S. COVID-19 relief money to keep schools like Manley Career open. In order to keep the facilities running, pay the teachers, and the administrators, your tax dollars are covering around $40,000 per student.

So what do officials blame these shrinking populations on?

Homeschooling, charter schools, and the pandemic.

To be fair, these issues all are contributing to the withdrawal of students from public schools, but the reports do not address the reasons why.

To begin with, when the pandemic closed down schools across the nation, parents got a glimpse of what their children were being subjected to in many of these schools.

Here's a smattering of the insanity:

After realizing what was going on in so many classrooms across the nation, for the first time in a long time, parents became actively involved in their children's education, but when parents told the schools that's not how they wanted their children educated, the schoolboards had them arrested, and the Biden administration flagged them as domestic terrorists.

On top of that, public schools are increasingly becoming hotbeds for groomers leaving children at risk for sexual abuse by the very adults entrusted to care for and educate them.

Is it any wonder that parents are seeking out alternatives for educating their children?

And it's worth noting that many of these states have incredibly strict homeschooling rules. A lot of them require parents to submit instruction plans and comply with assessment rules, some states require a licensed teacher to supervise curriculum.

Parents pulling their kids from public education are choosing a hard road to protect them, and it says a lot that minorities are leading this charge against things like Critical Race Theory. The number of Black children homeschooling has increased from 3% to 16% nationally, and they have not gone back to the classroom.

And to really highlight the poor choices public educators are making resulting in these closures: The country is still running a birth rate well below maintaining population levels, and all these cities are hotbeds of progressive abortion policies, meaning these schools were guaranteed to have population declines even without all the other madness they're pushing.

If they hadn't taken the Bible out of school so long ago, maybe these officials, administrators, and teachers would know that "you reap what you sow."

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