Check out the TripAdvisor review an astronaut left on her outer space accommodations
· Jul 19, 2024 ·

Commercial astronaut Dr. Sian Proctor went to space on SpaceX's civilian "Inspiration 4" mission and spent three nights orbiting the Earth.

In a world first, she decided to rate the accommodations on TripAdvisor for anyone else looking to vacation among the stars.

Take a look:

Those are some high ratings.

I particularly love the pun in Location.

Location: 5/5

'The atmosphere was out of this world! We were 585 kilometers above the Earth's surface, higher than the International Space Station, so we could see a large section of the planet surrounded by the darkness of space.'

The gluten-free menu doesn't sound great, but also I imagine there aren't a ton of restaurants to choose from in space.

Food: 5/5

'The food was fantastic! SpaceX did a great job of asking us what we wanted to eat and accommodating our requests. They made me a delicious gluten free pepperoni pizza complete with jalapeños. I also had the best gluten free BLT sandwich along with olives, cheese, M&Ms and Skittles, with water and iced tea to drink.'

The fitness program sounds amazing though. Weightlessness counts as losing weight, right?

Overall, it sounds like a great locale for a family vacation.

But, and this is a big BUT, there is a category missing in Dr. Proctor's review.

And it's the category this writer always checks first when reading travel reviews:


It's hard to pin down exactly how much the Inspiration 4 mission cost, but it was somewhere between $100 and $200 million (and paid for by a charitable billionaire who did it to raise money for St. Jude's Children's Hospital).

So, I guess that's a one star on the costs side of things.

Sorry, fam.

Looks like we're road tripping again this year.

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