I know you thought this crazy week was over, but it turns out the Trump gunman used a drone to recon the area before the shooting and no one stopped him
· Jul 19, 2024 · NottheBee.com

Happy Friday evening to everyone. I'm sorry to say that the details of the attempted assassination of Trump keep getting worse.

Absolutely wild.

We have the most advanced communication and military systems in the history of humanity. We have satellites in space that watch every square inch of the planet. We have radar systems that can detect extremely small airborne objects.

The speaking event was at the Butler Farm Show Airport. It should have been extremely easy to spot this weirdo flying a drone, even without basic equipment - especially because the areas around airports and big events can be no-fly zones for drones (without FAA permission). Although the airspace in Butler, PA is generally uncontrolled, it most certainly should have been controlled (restricted) within hours of Trump's visit!

Yet he flew the drone MORE THAN ONCE over the venue.

Later, he was seen scoping out this building:

Then he went and got his gun and a ladder, climbed up on the building, and sat there for nearly half an hour before he took a shot at the president.


Laura Ingraham is right.

Without transparency, conspiracy theories will fly.

We need the truth, and heads need to roll!

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